Monday, March 9, 2015

Teenager in the House!

13 Things I have come to realize as I reflect and review thirteen years of being Ayden's "Ma"

1) He is my first born, and for that reason alone....I will always be a first time mom because everything he does is always Our First.

2) I still cry when I see him in the arms of his Daddy 

3) . . . and of course I cry when I see him in allllllll of the Arms that held him - and I am glad I have the photos, as some of these arms are no longer here.

4) Birthdays are very emotional or I cry at the drop of a hat...take your pick 

5) Orange Soda smiles are Ayden's favorite Birthday accessory.

6) He has the BEST dimples

7) He is an AMAZING big brother.

8) It is a blessing he has always taken his time in everything, he has been my teacher in learning patience, because I have had no other option 

10) He owns an obscene amount of Legos - and shows no signs of stopping. We love that too.

11) There was a time we fretted over him not saying Mommy and Daddy enough? It was an ah-Ha moment when we realized he called Collin and I "seedyhunny", as in Sweetie and Hunny which we called each other. This lesson still stands today. He is always paying attention. He is always tuned in to things around him, and He will always show you some detail you never even thought about.

12) He is 3 years away from Driving????????

13) As much as he loves all things Marvel/DC, one thing is for sure: He is my Super Hero. He shows me year after year, If he can do it. So can I. What ever IT is.